Last year I took Reading Apprenticeship training and the
following statement came up so often that I finally made it into a poster: Confusion is the perfect starting place for
learning. This seems similar to how the authors describe vulnerable learning. They say, “Teachers
who foster vulnerable learning create classrooms where not knowing is the
norm.” However, the big thing that Garcia and O’Donnell-Allen add to this mix
is emotion. Which I suppose is why
they call it vulnerable learning
instead of just inquiry. I love their
idea of “concocting a strange and marvelous brew that blends student questions,
required course content, and local concerns, often with global impact.” But as
amazing as it sounds, it also sounds incredibly challenging.
My first thought when I read the section about vulnerability
was the need for a feeling of safety in the classroom. And I’m glad the authors
acknowledged that it takes a few months of trust building to get to the right
place for this type of learning. In fact, they say, that “this kind of teaching
requires extensive modeling, norming (and re-norming) with students, and
‘perpetual scaffolding.’” I know this is true, because even without the
emotional aspect, getting middle school students to open up share their ideas
with each other can be difficult.
A book I read last year that had a huge influence on my
teaching was Reading for Understanding:
How Reading Apprenticeship Improves Disciplinary Learning in Secondary and
College Classrooms by Ruth Schoenbach, Cynthia Greenleaf, and Lynn Murphy.
It explains how to teach reading using inquiry and social supports, and it
provides a wealth of strategies to build community and get students talking and
reading together. If you’re new to teaching, or not new, like me, but you need
new ideas, this book is an excellent tool for putting Garcia and O’Donnell-Allen’s
ideas into practice.
Furthermore, I was very moved by the author’s idea of taking
on a “maker mindset.” They write, “Taking on a maker mindset yourself
transforms routine responsibilities like writing lesson plans into
opportunities for play and creativity…” I have never thought to frame our work
that way. I suppose it is what I do,
but I don’t generally think of it as “play.” Often times, in fact, it feels
like drudgery. Maybe if I go into it thinking of myself as a maker, I can find
more pleasure in it.
The quote you shared here is inspiring. Thank you for framing it because despite reading it myself, that quote about play didn't hit me until reading it just now. I have always loved the (albeit cliche) quote that "If you do what you love, you'll never work a day in your life" and I think implementing the "maker" pose into lesson planning and teaching is a way to make the job more enjoyable and worthwhile.